
Preparation of Horoscope

Scientific Analysis of Horoscope is made by Preparation of Horoscope by  Date of Birth (DOB), Time of Birth ( TOB) and Place of Birth (POB). Analysis Horoscope through Modern Technique means reflection of the Planetary Positions at Vedic  Birth  Chart with interpretation  that  means Kundali Reading. There are many tools for Horoscope Analysis like D1  D7  D 9 D10 etc but whatever it may be, , Proper Analysis of the Horoscope is the key of Exact Future Prediction made by an Experienced and Best Astrologer.You may prepare your Horoscope putting all data in Software but the Predictions and Analysis from Software are meaningless and not properly match with you.



In Depth Horoscope Analysis

After preparation of the Horoscope it should be Analyses critically and minutely considering strength of each and  every Houses , Plants situated in Houses, Position of the lord of every Houses, Houses aspected by malefic or beneficial Planets, Degree of the Planets etc. Moreover Nature of the Houses ( Fixed, Dual or movable/ Fire, Earth, Wind, Water) are also very important for analysis of a Horoscope upon which complete prediction about a person depends solely.First , Second, Third…..Twelfth Houses indicate different things of our life as fallows :

  1. First House – Indicates Physical appearance, Head, Longevity, a person himself.
  2. Second House – Face, Eye, Relatives, savings, speech, taste, Primary Education etc.
  3. Third house – Servant, Neighborhood, Younger brother or Sister , Courage etc.
  4. Fourth House – Family Happiness, Mother, Friends, Secondary Education etc.
  5. Fifth House – Love, Offspring, Graduation Level Education etc.
  6. Sixth House – Enemy, Courage, Disease,Competitive examination etc
  7. Seventh House – Husband/Wife, Business, Partnership, Married life etc
  8. Eighth House – Death, Legal matter, Longevity etc.
  9. Ninth House – Research, , Luck, Destiny, Teacher, Adviser etc.
  10. Tenth House – Biological father, Work, Profession, Achievement etc
  11. Eleventh House – Success, Income, Daughter-in-law,Savings from  profession etc.
  12. Twelfth House – Foreign Tour, Bed pleasure, Spirituality, Expense etc