For an Ascendant Aries,the Venus is located in 9th house aspects the 3rd house of Lagna indicates the presence of good,gentle and Suaver neighbourhood and the native has good hand writing or specialist for good Handicraft. The Native has good relationship with the relatives and if Venus is not afflicted by malefic Planets, his speech is very soft and polite.He is very lucky for good savings if the second house of the Native is not afflicted or aspected by any malefic planets. The Native may very lucky regarding the spouse and success,…

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In general Astrological prediction indicates the Divorce or separation for a Native if 7th lord presents in 8th house in his or her Horoscope.But as per my opinion,better it to explains as the death of conjugal relationship in terms of faith, honesty, coordination and understanding.The couple may not separated virtually. But if consider in business point of views, one’s savings from business may satisfactory.Within the crisis of relationship the Native realise the good wealthy of spouse either from Inheritance or by own earnings.But if seventh lord presents in 8th at it’s own…

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Mercury in Virgo locates it’s own house at high position at 5th house with Sun create BUDHADITTO YOGA that is treated as a good combination in Astrology resulting good luck , fame , honor, good education,quality offspring etc.But presences of Rahu in the same house reduces the sound effects of BUDHADITTO YOGA resulting mental anxiety, disturbances in education with a wrong subject or profession choice, affairs, wrong decisions etc.Sun in the fifth house of Tarus Ascendant causes delayed conception or abortion or loss of an issue if the other Planets are not…

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The question has no direct answer with a single word. Considering the Zodiac Sign, Libra is 7th in position where Rahu obviously plays a great role in conjugal life, relationship with spouse and it may not favorable for the Native without support of the other planets. At Libra, Rahu just cross its lower position results excessive demand both of mental and Physical.Rahu in Movable and Wind Sign Libra disturbe in mental stability, realistic thoughts, decision making process. The Native like to have spicy food leads to indigestion problems latter on.His deliver of…

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Anger and Causes of Anger may explain many ways even through the Astrological point of views. Firstly, the position of Mars in the Horoscope of a Native have to analyse.Mars at Ascendant,6th, 7th and 10th house results severe Anger of the Natve.More over if Mars is located with Ascendant lord or in Fire RASHI it also produces Anger of the Native. Secondly, if Rahu badly connected with Mars at Ascendant or the above mentioned house anger may aggravate severely. Thirdly,when the Sun or Suturn present in Ascendant or 7th house or aspect…

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Birth chart reflects the position of the Planets in the Horoscope for a particular time with an Ascendant and Moon sign through which an Astrologer can predict the Native.The fate, future or destiny are not only always guided by the Planets , but some factors that control our life beyond the explanation of an Astrologer.That’s why an Astrologer is simple a Human beings unable to justify everything happening in the creature. I am lucky to study few charts that looks very simple apparently with very common positions of planets with average strength…

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Astrology is such a subject with a vast knowledge, as per my realization, one human life is not sufficient to be a scholar of Astrology.There are few persons in our society practicing Astrology after completion of few months Astrology course, rather say doing malpracticing with this marvelous subject, but they are exceptions may find in like other professions also.Most of the Astrologers are dedicated themselves with a views of enlightened their own in terms of spirituality and realisations on the basis of which they serve the people providing Astrology consultations and predictions…

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The fresh or the working Students are in preparation for Competitive Exams for ultimate success of getting a good and prosperous job. But ultimately among the lots of competitors few achieved success after Preliminary Exam, Main Exam and ultimately through the Interview process.If we critically analysed the birth chart or Horoscope through exam result predictions Astrology it is found that Competition Success in Astrology depends on the Success in Entrance Exam Yoga in Kundali. The malefic Houses in Astrology Horoscope like sixth, eighth and twelfth house plays important role when any one…

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Is it a bogus concept? Specially in the time of 21st century?? Death due to cardiovascular diseases in India increases from 13 lakh in 1990 to 28 lakh in 2016.And the number of prevalent cases of cardiovascular diseases has increased from 2.57 crore in 1990 to 5.45 crore in 2016. Friends the picture is enough to think about the ways how to restrain the probabilities of the diseases for our near and dear family members.There are so many concepts introduced by the Experts throughout all over world. Respected Cardiologists in our society…

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All we know that the Date of birth (DOB),time of birth (TOB) and place of birth(POB) is very important for an individual depending on which the Horoscope is to prepare.And only a perfect Horoscope can speak about the future of children from the very beginning of his life.Now the question arries how to make your baby Horoscope as per your choice? Before about one month of delivery consult with your Astrologer for the best or preferable Date and Time of your Delivery that means your child birth, so that your baby get…

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