Can we predict about the chances of a baby boy from Horoscope?

Prior sex determination of a new born baby through astrology is possible,but the following considerations are kept in mind-

1.Chart of parent(both) are required.But the birth chart of Father is more important and I consider mostly.It has a strong scientific reason.Father can contribute either X or Y chromosome, but a Mother always contribute X chromosome only for a offspring.So the sex of offspring solely depends on a Father, not on Mother.

2.Sex determination through the birth chart of parent may not correct in few cases.It is very simple, the neonatal is absolutely an separate individual.He/she had previous Karma that can play a vital role in every aspect of his/her life,even in the sex determination the new life deserve for.It may not related with his/ her parents.

3.On the basis of sex determination through astrology, it is not desirable to take any mischievous decisions ( like abortion, mental depression specially those who want male/female baby etc).Now a days both the baby boy and baby girl are gladly accepted in a family.

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