Is it a bogus concept? Specially in the time of 21st century??
Death due to cardiovascular diseases in India increases from 13 lakh in 1990 to 28 lakh in 2016.And the number of prevalent cases of cardiovascular diseases has increased from 2.57 crore in 1990 to 5.45 crore in 2016.
Friends the picture is enough to think about the ways how to restrain the probabilities of the diseases for our near and dear family members.There are so many concepts introduced by the Experts throughout all over world.
Respected Cardiologists in our society are in an endeavor finding out the new concepts, procedures, excellent line of treatment through their knowledge and experience to treat and control the cardiovascular diseases.But forecasting of possibilities of cardiac complications at matured age is not possible for a Medical Practisoner just after birth of a child by examining the new born baby. But Medical Astrology can do this by Heart Attack Yoga in Astrology or by Medical Astrology Predictions where position of the Planets like Sun(key planet that controls Heart), the Moon (control the watery portion of blood), the Mars (control the activities of the muscles of Heart), the Jupiter ( Controls the arteries and veins) and the Rahu (causes occurance of Heart Attack) in the Horoscope of a new Baby along combination of planets indicate the possibility of cardiovascular disease.

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