Suicidal attempt in Metro Railways

Recently occurances of suicide being a great problem for Metro Railway Authority to provide the routine passenger services in appropriate way.The people irrespective of age choose metro rail for a save, quick painless method for suicide.We express annoyance a lot but never try to think deeply the reasons behind the consequences.Human life is a sweated one and everybody pray for a long life.But somebody may not think so.Let we try to explain the facts in astrological point of view.
The Moon controls our mind, fillings, passion but when moon is afflicted by malefic Planets like Saturn, Sun , Mars or Rahu and Ketu, the man become more sentimental, emotional and often extremely frustrated so that they decided to kill himself.Sometimes it is found that for a native planetic positions in the Horoscope are not indicate the tendency of suicide but DASHA – Sub Dasha and Paletary positions of present time (TRANSIT) make the native prone to commit suicide.For example if his moon in Horoscope is weak and afflicted by Saturn then in the time of Moon -Saturn DASHA he may attempt to do this.Or if presently in Transit, Moon is severely effected by malefic planets or weak Moon aspected by any severely malefic planets,the native may commit suicide.
So when any sign of depression or sudden abnormal attitude are seen within yours friend, children, parents or close relatives plz don’t ignore these.Try to understand his / her with a friendly approach, consult with a psychologist and obviously with an good Astrologer.

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