Smiling Depression: Astrological Views

As per the concept of modern  Psychology the term Smiling Depression is a latent disease of Mind specially of young Generation who looks cheerful from outside but full of frustration within resulting which suicidal tendency may develop within the young generation.
Let we analysis the Planetary positions and combinations that may cause it in Astrological point of view.
1. Position of moon in 6th 8th or 12th House of the Horoscope or in Scorpio where moon become lowest in position.
2.Aspect of Saturn or Rahu on Moon or coexistence  of moon and Ketu, Saturn or Rahi specially at Scorpio and Aries

  1. Watery and Airy Sign like Gemini, Cancer, Libra ,Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces are more prone to resist the Depression they have.
    4. Moreover Dasha and Sub Dasha also play great role to merge the Young generation  into Depression, specially Saturn- Moon, Rahu- Moon, Ketu-Moon

5.If 5th House is effected by malefic Planet or 5th lord is positioned in  6th 8th or 12th House of the Horoscope or aspected by Malefic Planet.

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