

Primary education considered the studies from childhood up to class four. In astrological point of view, the prediction of primary education depends on the followings-

  1. The 2ndhouse of the Horoscope or Birth chart of the child.
  2. The lord of the 2ndhouse in the Horoscope.
  3. Aspect of the other Planets on the 2ndhouse of the Horoscope
  4. Karak graha ( Planet) of the 2ndhouse in the Horoscope.

At the early stage of education of a child  the parents are worried about the followings-

  1. Results of the Examinations he/she faced.
  2. Decrease of desired marks in the examination due to common mistake or silly mistake.
  3. Disruption in education due to poor result or heath related matter.
  4. Poor or average results due to fickleness of mind.
  5. Subjects / field of his interest or may be signed in future.
  6. Lacking to be corrected from early ages.

All queries are to be answered by proper Analysis of the Horoscope of the Student lacking satisfactory result in Primary Education.



Secondary Education

Secondary Education
Secondary.Education starts from class five and.ends at the level of higher secondary level of education.Predictions related to secondary education depend on the following-
1.Strength of 4th house as well as strength  and position of the 4th house lord.
2.Position of 4th house Lord, whether it become malific with aspect or in conjucation with the other malific planets or not
3.Aspect or position of other planet on fourth house.
The common quaries that arries regarding  the secondary.or higher secondary education are-
1.What stream will suitable for the student
2.Forecast of the result of the examination.
3.If failure or make poor or.average result what
the cause behind it.


Graduation Level

1 .It is controlled by the fifth house of the Horoscope of a student.
2. Planets positioned in fifth house, strength and position  of the fifth house Lord.
3. Karak planet of fifth house.
4. Aspect of malefic or beneficial planets on the 5th house of the Horoscope.
5. Connection of Nakshatra with the 5th house of the Horoscope.

The Commonly arises questions are-
1.Scope of higher education,research etc.
2.Field of specialization give success in future.
3.Scope of development of carrier.
4. Possibility of further improvement in next phase of examination etc.
5.Chances of betterment of the results with the progress of time.




It is mainly controlled by the 9th house of the Horoscope and positioned  by the 9th house Lord, planets situated at 9th house, aspect of the others planets on the ninth house, position of the ninth house Lord in the Horoscope.
The common questions arises that
1.Success of the person in this field.
2.Constrain against the success in his field if any.
3.Future scope related to build up proper carrier.
4.Whether chances of higher education in foreign country.