Recently occurances of suicide being a great problem for Metro Railway Authority to provide the routine passenger services in appropriate way.The people irrespective of age choose metro rail for a save, quick painless method for suicide.We express annoyance a lot but never try to think deeply the reasons behind the consequences.Human life is a sweated one and everybody pray for a long life.But somebody may not think so.Let we try to explain the facts in astrological point of view. The Moon controls our mind, fillings, passion but when moon is afflicted by…

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এই প্রশ্ন সবার মনে।যারা প্র।প্তবযস্ক অথচ এখন বিবাহ করেননি।যাদের বিবাহ ঠিক হয়ে গেছে বা ঠীক হয়ে আছে।ছেলে মেয়ের মা বাবা আত্মীয় স্বজন সবার মনেই একই প্রস্ন। বিবাহিত জীবনের বিচার করতে হলে স্বামী স্ত্রী দুজনের জন্ম ছক দেখতে হবে।শ্বশুর বাড়ী কেমন হবে,শ্বশুর শাশুড়ির সাথে বনিবনা হবে কিনা,অর্থিক অবস্থা কেমন থাকবে,সন্তান নিয়ে কোনো সমস্যা হবে কিনা,দম্পতির কারোর কোনো কঠিন অসুখ হতে পারে কিনা ইত্যাদি অনেক বিষয় আছে যার উপর ভিত্তি করে সমগ্র বিবাহিত জীবনের বিচার করা দরকার।সেই সঙ্গে দেখতে হবে স্বামী স্ত্রীর মধ্যে মানসিক এবং শারীরিক মিল কতটা থাকতে পারে। বর্তমানে আমরা দেখছি বহু…

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Astrology is based on certain scientific calculations and considerations and remind that an Astrologer is also a human beings like a Doctor or Lawyer,not a man of supernatural power.You have to cooperate an Astrologer by providing accurate informations and realistic queries with a view like consulting a doctor for your fortune and predictions.If you have a attitude or tendency to judge the efficiency of an Astrologer it is better to donate the fees to a needy people.And before booking an appointment with a Astrologer you have the right to collect the informations…

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বাযোলজির সাথে জোতিষের অদ্ভুত যোগ—– আমরা সবাই বাযোলজিতে হেরিডীটি বা বংশগতির কথা পড়েছি।সাধারন ভাবে আমরা এটাও জানি যে ছেলে মেয়েরা মা বাবার অনেক গুন পেয়ে থাকে।অনেক ভালো গুণের পাশ।পাশি খারাপ গুন গুলিও বংশ পরম্পরা প্রবহমান হয়।আপনারা যদি আপনাদের পরিবারের মা বাবা আর তাদের ছেলে মেয়েদের কুষ্টি ভালো করে পর্যালোচনা করেন,দেখতে পাবেন মা বাবার সাথে তাদের সন্তানের রাশি বা লগ্নের কোনো না কোনো মিল অবশ্যই আছে।অর্থাৎ কোনো ছেলের কুষ্ঠীতে সে তার মা বা বাবার হয় জন্মররাশি বা জন্মলগ্ন এর কোনো না কোনো একটা,বহুক্ষেত্রে দুটোই পেয়ে থাকে।আর রাশি মানে মানসিকতা, লগ্ন বলতে শরীর ও…

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With the advancement of both of our society as well as the Medical science, infertility and delayed child birth among the newly married couple are also gradually increases day by day. No doubt as a solution a couple must undergo the proper treatment under an experienced Gynecologist, but simultaneously a proper astrological guide must be required for being success in such cases, because Medical science has also its limitations that may not ignore. And Astrological supervision adding more value with the allover procedures of a successful child birth in addition to Medical…

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Everyone studied Heredity Chapter in Biology. Generally we know that the children get some of characteristics either positive or negative, from their parents or from closed relatives of their family, that scientifically explained in Heredity chapter in Biology. Now we think about the Astrology where Ascendant/Lagna and Moon Sign/ Rasi are two important considerations in the Horoscope or Birth Chart of a Native. Ascendant/Lagna indicates the Person himself including his physical characters, appearances,longevity etc . On the other hand Moon sign/ Rasi indicates the mentality,attitude,behavior and characteristics of a person. And surprisingly…

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Calculation of offspring in Astrology is very common ,simple but an important factor.Generally 5th Houses of the Horoscope, Planets located in 5th House, location of the 5th House Lord, 5th House aspected by malefic or beneficial planets etc are considered for progeny calculation.More over the Planets Jupiter and Venus play a role in conception.If Jupiter or 5th House badly connected by Mars or 8th House Lord,abortion may happened during Pregnancy.Tentative prediction for male or female child birth may possible in Astrology but in such cases both the Horoscope of Husband and Wife…

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This question is in everyone’s mind. Those who are adults but not get married yet. Those whose marriage is already fixed. The same question is marked to all of the parents of the Boys or Girls. If you want to judge married life, you have to analysis the birth chart of both husband and wife. How about the father-in-law, mother-in-law, how will be the financial condition, whether there is a problem with the conception or child, whether the couple can have any difficult disease, etc on which the entire married life needs…

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Selection and recommendation for astrological remedy needs to certain informations like DOB,TOB ,POB or Palm reading of the person for whom remedies suggest.Here you put a non specific querry but till answer is there in Astrology.If you really eager to get a job you may wear an Emithist of 14-15 cent with ring or silver chain,that may be a economic remedy for you.

In point of view of Modern Astrology,it is not mandatory to marry a Mangalik girl for a Mangalik boy.There are so many incidence where misunderstandings in married life are of regular facts for a couple are of both Mangalik.On the other hand Mangalik Boys with Non Mangalik girls and vice- versa are leading very happy conjugal life.Happyness in married life depends not only on the MANGALIK or the Planet MARS, but also on the other Planets like Jupiter, Venus,Sun,Saturn even on Rahu and Ketu also.Different Planetary combinations , position of the planets…

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