
Issue Related

DELAYED CONCEPTION: It may occur due to any problem of either Husband or Wife or both . The 5th House, 5th House lord, Planets positioned in 5th House, aspect of Malefic Planets on the 5th House control and determine the success of the 5th House regarding Conception. Strength of Jupiter, Venus in the Horoscope or Birth Chart indicate the Reproductive capability of Women and Men respectively.
For a couple a successful issue in proper time is most important factor for making the family life happy .The demand of a naughty child comes from the other member of the family specially from senior and aged members .But getting Issue as per preferable time  desired by  a couple is often very difficult.Infertility for  both male &.female is a great problem that is mainly related to  Medical Science  no doubt, but there is a great roll of the Astrology in such cases. Horoscope for child birth prediction  or child birth prediction in Kundali are   helpful for a couple suffering from issue related problems. Moreover Astrology Pregnancy Calculator is used to determine the best month to conceives according to Astrology so that the baby gets a good combination of Planets or Planetary Positions of his Horoscope.

MISCARRIAGE : Miscarriage is a  very common facts in any time of the Gestation period or Pregnancy can be determined at advance through the preparation of Pregnancy Prediction Horoscope. In scientific point of view there are many causes of  miscarriage . Possibility of abortion of the Pregnant woman indicated by a Best & Experienced Astrologer make the Couple aware regarding this matter so that they remain very conscious from early or whole stage stage of pregnancy. A strong connection between Mars and Jupiter or Sun and Jupiter in the Horoscope are  responsible for that.

PERMANENT INFERTILITY OR STERILITY : Now a days the numbers of couple with sterility are gradually increasing inspire of advancement of the Medical Science to a high altitude.Undergoing modern treatment for a long time under the supervision of a Specialist Doctor, a couple may ultimately decide for Adoption. A strong combination of Malefic Saturn with Sun with the 5th Houses or effects of Jupiter on 5th House as 5th Lord  determined by Horoscope of Child Birth  may causes so.
The common questions associated with issue :
1.Probability of time of conception.
2.Any chance of complication during Pregnancy period.
3. Chances.of abortion if any.
4. for delivery so that the child possess a.good Horoscope having good planetary position.


All we know that the Date of birth (DOB),time of birth (TOB) and place of birth(POB) is very important for an individual depending on which the Horoscope is to prepare.And only a perfect Horoscope can speak about the future of children from the very beginning of his life.Now the question arries how to make your baby Horoscope as per your choice? Before about one month of delivery consult with your Astrologer for the best or preferable Date and Time of your Delivery that means your child birth, so that your baby get a good Horoscope with best Ascendant, Moon sign and favorable Planetary positions(Horoscope for Child Birth) Then again consult with your Doctor with a request of performing operation within the particular time suggested by the Astrologer through the  Astrology about Child Birth. Now a days the Doctors are also habituated with such type of request from their patients side.