The fresh or the working Students are in preparation for Competitive Exams for ultimate success of getting a good and prosperous job.
But ultimately among the lots of competitors few achieved success after Preliminary Exam, Main Exam and ultimately through the Interview process.If we critically analysed the birth chart or Horoscope through exam result predictions Astrology it is found that Competition Success in Astrology depends on the Success in Entrance Exam Yoga in Kundali.
The malefic Houses in Astrology Horoscope like sixth, eighth and twelfth house plays important role when any one of the House makes a connection with the 10th house of a Birth Chart.Competition Success in Astrology also depends on the Planets Sun, Saturn,Rahu, Mars and Mercury also.There are no Astrological Remedies to pass Competitive Exams or shortcut Totka of weak Planets responsible for govt.job, types of Exams he attempts for success as per Astrological views.
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